Humble Deeds Foundation – Nomads Who Care

About Humble Deeds Foundation

Our charitable causes normally fall into 3 categories:

  • Poverty alleviation (food banks, homeless shelters, etc…)
  • Animal Shelters
  • We want to provide vacations to hardworking but under privileged families because they deserve it. It is our belief that anyone working full-time deserves a real vacation at least once per year. It is a shame that anyone working full-time is not able to properly provide for their family because of the corporate greed we have allowed to take over. Once we raise enough funds, this will be the main goal of our charity. We will allow nominations for deserving families, then pick a new family each time we have enough funds to cover it.

Humble Deeds Make You Feel Good

When we decided to start this new life, we knew we wanted to help others who are less fortunate. Now that we do not have typical day jobs, we are able to dedicate a fair amount of time to making the world a better place. This is what led us to start forming a formal charity foundation.

As we travel, we look for volunteer opportunities. Additionally, a portion of our for-profit business revenues are directed to our non-profit foundation. It feels good to help others, and we also want to inspire others to pay it forward. Although we prefer to volunteer for poverty alleviation and wildlife type projects, we are open to anything in line with our morals.

Formal Foundation Allows Us To Raise Funds For The Greater Good

We are currently in the application phase of forming a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity foundation. This will allow us to raise outside funds for some of our own original charity projects. Our vision is to raise funds in order to gift vacations to hardworking but underprivileged families who would not normally be able to take a vacation. Once we have raised enough funds, we will allow people to submit nominations for deserving families. Please note that we cannot legally accept any charitable donations for these causes until after this application phase is finished and approved by the IRS. We will add the donation button to this page once we are legally allowed to do so.

Most charities have huge buildings, fancy furniture, and high salary costs. Our foundation is primarily online and run 100% by volunteer labor. The only administrative costs we incur are standard incorporation fees and fundraiser advertising/events. Not a single person or entity draws a salary from this foundation. This allows us to be the most efficient charity possible with virtually every cent going to the greater good.


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